=== Plugin Name === Contributors: blogtap.net Donate link: http://blogtap.net/custom_post_background_plugin.shtml Tags: background, style, post, modification Requires at least: 2.0 Tested up to: 3.1.1 Stable tag: Create custom backgrounds or styles for your posts and pages. == Description == The Custom Post Background plugin for Wordpress adds a great deal of visual customization ability to your blog posts and page appearances. It allows you to easily change the background of individual blog posts/pages using CSS or an image URL (with or without a x/y/both repeat).. For any page, CPB displays a meta-box with fields where you can then make your background customizations. You can change the background with CSS/URL of image to apply to only the background of the post, only on the background of the home/main page, or both pages. The "Color" feild option allows you to quickly make background changes using the background-color CSS code. You can enter any color (such as "red," "blue," "green") or enter a hex value, like: #A9A7A7. You can also change the whole page background (not just the post background) of any individual post with the "Display as page background on post page" option. Version Updates -Added paging to administration area. Version Updates -Added option of setting background image to image in media page Version Updates -Removed css field DEFAULT value -Implemented database version update -Admin page changed to meta-box on Page/Post edit pages -Display type changed from radio buttons to drop down list Version Updates -Added Whole Page option - As "Page Background" but with transparent Post/Page background == Installation == 1. Download the custom-post-background.zip 1. Navigate to the plugins page in your administrator panel. 1. Click the Plugin Browser/Install link. 1. Under "Install a plugin in .zip format" choose the custom-post-background.zip file 1. Click Install Now. 1. After it has installed, activate the plugin. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I edit a page's background? = 1. Navigate to the editor for the Page you want to add/edit the background image 1. Locate the "Page Background" meta-box 1. Modify the settings to your liking. 1. Click the "Update" button to confirm your changes. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png