
Vintage Rifle Sights

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Item Code RS0027, Price £15 (GBP) each
A rear sight which I think is for a Winchester rifle. It is marked " Pat. Jan 29. 1901 " Good condition.
rifle sightrifle sight   
Item Code RS0026, Price Please contact me (GBP) each
I have a pile of parts for Mossberg No. 4 aperture sights for .22 rifles. Please contact me for details of individual parts and prices.
powder flask powder flaskpowder flask 
Item Code RS0022, Price SOLD (GBP) each
An interesting accessory for a BSA No. 8 target sight. Very good condition with original case colours.
powder flask powder flask powder flaskpowder flask
Item Code RS0024, Price SOLD (GBP) each
A very rare 19th Century adjustable sight for a percussion double barrelled Cape rifle. The Cape rifle had a wide top rib and this sight was designed to slide along the rib. Each rifle would originally have been supplied with one of these sights but they are now far rarer than the rifles. As they were a seperate item they were probably lost over the years. Very good condition with some original finish. A great accessory for the double rifle collector.
powder flask powder flask 
Item Code RS0023, Price SOLD (GBP) each
An unusual 19th Century rear peep sight for fitting to the wrist of a muzzle loading rifle. Fully adjustable for elevation and windage using the dovetailed sliders. Good condition.
powder flask powder flaskpowder flask powder flask