=== Delete All Comments of wordpress === Contributors: royalnavneet Author URI: http://www.navneetsoni.com Donate link:https://bit.ly/2Zxgaq8 Tags: comment, comments,delete all, delete, remove all comments, remove all,delete all comment,delete all comment,remove comments,delete comments,remove all comments, remove all Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 6.6.1 Stable tag: 2.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Delete all comments from your wordpress database easily. == Description == The 'Delete All Comments of WordPress' plugin is built to delete all comments (Approved,Pending) from wordpress database by only one click and vary easily. Use this Plugin under admin : Tools > Delete Comments == Installation == Just a standard installation required. 1. Plugins > Add New > Upload > 'delete-all-comments-of-wordpress-website.zip' - Install Now 2. Unzip & Upload 'delete-all-comments-of-wordpress-website' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Delete All Comments plugin is under 'Tools' menu == Changelog == = 1.0 = = 2.0 = select comment type with data range. = 3.0 = Stability and minor bugs resolved. = 4.0 = minor bugs resolved. = 4.1 = minor bugs resolved. = 4.2 = minor bugs resolved. = 4.2 = minor bugs resolved. = 4.3 = Add some new options. = 4.3 = Add some new options. = 4.4 = Add some new options. = 4.5 = Add some new options. = 4.6 = Add some new options. = 4.7 = Add some new options. = 4.8 = Add some new options. = 4.8 = Add some new images of supporter. = 4.9 = Add some new images of supporter. = 5.0 = Add some new images of supporter. = 5.1 = sdk update. = 5.2 = add banner. = 5.3 = add banner. = 5.4 = add banner. = 5.5 = Bug Fix. = 5.6 = Bug fix (Order note also deleted when we delete all comments -- fixed ) = 5.7 = Add some new images of supporter. = 5.7 = change support link. = 5.8 = change support link. * Stable plugin released == Upgrade Notice == N/A == Frequently Asked Questions == = What about support? = Create a support ticket at WordPress forum and I will take care of any issue. == Screenshots == 1. Tools > Delete All Comments of wordpress screenshot-1.png 2. Tools > Delete All Comments screen screenshot-2.png 3. screenshot-3.png 4. screenshot-4.png 5. screenshot-5.png